Monday 24 September 2012

Treatment: First Draft

Treatment - She Has No Time (First Draft):
The music video will start off on a bridge with the male character looking to the view off the bridge. When he looks to the right he sees his girlfriend walking towards him and once they are together he tears up a note written by his girlfriend for him and throws the pieces into the air. As a result the song starts and the male character lip-syncs the song as though he is shouting at her on the bridge. The location changes where the male character makes direct mode of address to the camera making it look as though he is singing to the audience and expressing his emotions and feelings. After this the scene ends and it goes back to the first scene on the bridge where there is a slow motion effect as the couples hands drift apart. Hence the audience can see the female walking towards the camera as she makes her way off the bridge whilst her boyfriend is on the other side of the bridge watching her go. We then have a shot of the male character singing to the camera where he then sees a couple walk by holding hands and talking. This reminds him of the good times he had with his girlfriend and regrets cheating on her.

The location then changes to Trafalgar square where the male character walks down the stairs where he is singing to the camera with different camera angle shots showing his body language and facial expressions. We then go into another scene where the male character is in the studio with low key lighting effects singing to the camera. As a result the music video ends where the last shot is of the couple walking in opposite directions.

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