Monday 1 October 2012

Treatment: Second Draft

Treatment - She Has No Time (Second Draft):
 The music video will start on the Golden Jubilee Bridge where the male character will be looking at the view over the bridge. He will then see his girlfriend walking towards him on the right whilst she is texting. At this point he will confront her and take her mobile phone away from her by snatching it from her hands showing the audience that he is furious and angry. At this point, the song will start and the male character will be singing the song to his girlfriend making it look as though he is shouting at her leading to an argument. After this scene the location will change to the studio where the male character will lip-sync the second verse by making direct mode of address to the camera which will connect with the audience as it shows that he is expressing his emotions and feelings to us. During this scene there will be the use of flashbacks which will be in black and white making it clear to the audience that these are past memories of the couple being together. This will lead to the chorus where the couple will argue and the camera will go back and forth showing flashbacks of their good times after the argument.

Another location that will be used is the field at the back of our college. This is where the male character will sing the third verse of the song to the camera without his girlfriend. After this verse finishes the camera will go back to the bridge scene where the male character will sing the last and final verse of the song including the chorus. As a result a result the music video will end with a slow motion hand drift effect as the couple depart. In this scene the audience will see the couple walking in opposite directions as they walk out the mise en scene.

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