Monday 17 September 2012

Case Study 3

Jay Sean ft Tyga – Sex 101

Music Video of  'Sex 101'
The music video is about Jay Sean who is already in a relationship but is not able to stay loyal to one person but instead has affairs with many other women even though he feels guilty and knows that what he is doing is wrong. The video follows a narrative where the audience can see Jay’s actions from start to finish and he enters the house and ends in the shower with his mistress at the end.

The music video also represents women as sex objects as Jay has control over them. This can be seen during the video where there is a medium shot of Jay sitting on the bed and singing to the camera whilst there are two bisexual women trying to seduce him. Most of the young women used in the video are wearing lingerie’s looking attractive and appealing to the opposite sex. This relates back to the idea of sex 101 where women are stereotypically seen as sex objects that men have power and control over. In this scene, the two bisexual women who seduce Jay Sean are on the bed whilst he makes direct mode of address to camera whilst lip syncing the song without giving the two women any attention.

The target audience for this song would be adults interested in the genre of R&B. This is because the music video has sexual reference throughout and footage which would be unsuitable for teenagers and children. The target audience would be encouraged to buy the record through social network and interviews made by the artists to promote the song. Artists would also keep competitions by giving their target audience gifts relating to the album. This can be done by using websites such as Twitter and Facebook where fans would have to answer questions by the artist and many more. Another way in which the target audience would be encouraged to buy the record would be if the song is priced low or if it is on sale for a limited amount of time. As a result more people would buy the song before the price rises and the artist would make a profit.

In conclusion, some of the ideas I would take from this music video to put into mine would be the types of camera angles and shots used. For example I could use a tracking shot to keep the audience watching the video in suspense. I would also use the colour scheme of black and white as used in the video. This is because as Jay wears the colour black it represents pain, authority and power. This is represented throughout the song as pain is shown as Jay knows that what he is doing wrong however, he also has control over the women in the house showing that he has power over them. 

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