Monday 15 October 2012



Golden Jubilee Bridge
The music video will mostly be shot on the golden Jubilee bridge in Westminister. The risks here can be that our equipment may fall over the bridge.  This may lead to the recording being cancelled as a result, precautions must be taken to avoid such incidents.

Another risk can be that as there will be a lot of people, our equipment may be pushed around which again may lead to the cameras or tri-pod being damaged. To avoid this we will try to record when the bridge is less busy. 
We will also need to take the weather in consideration as the bridge may become slippery if it rains. Our equipment will also be effected by rain as the water may leak inside the camera.
The barriers are pretty low on the bridge, we will need to be more careful as the main character will be leaning against the barriers. We will also try to avoid slippery surface on the barriers just for extra precaution as the character may slip or fall.
Trafalgar Square
Our second location will be in Trafalgar square. We will be recording our mid-way shots of the video. 
Once again the risks here can be that our equipment may fall in the fountain as we will be setting our equipment near the fountain.  This may lead to the recording being cancelled as well as our pre-recordings may be lost as a result, precautions must be taken to avoid such incidents.

We will also have to manage our filming well as this location is really busy. This also raises a concern of taking extra care with the equipment as people may trip over the bags and tripod.

The third and final location of our music video will be the studio where we will be able to get simple and effective footage by using a black back drop.

Some of the risks in the studio is that there will be many cables and wires. As a result, we will have to be extra careful that no one falls over or touches exposed wires as it could possibly cause an injury or damage the equipment which will delay filming.

Another risk is that we should not use equipment that we are unfamiliar with or have not been instructed to use. We will also inspect equipment before we use it in order to make sure it is not damaged (e.g. exposed wires). This will keep us safe whilst we filming.

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